

Rhinoplasty is a cosmetic procedure done to enhance or change the shape of one’s nose. It is often done for cosmetic purposes to improve the appearance of one’s nose or it is done to improve one’s breathing too.

The procedure can be done both on the upper or lower portion of the nose, either on the bone, cartilage, or the skin of the nose. If you are planning on undergoing this procedure, it is extremely important that you consult a trained Plastic & Cosmetic Surgeon who can walk you through, the procedure and warn you about the risks and complications.

Before the procedure, the doctor will likely consider the rest of your facial features to map out a proportionate restructuring of your nose. In case your nose needs extensive surgery, your doctor will have to sort out a plan for that as well.

Rhinoplasty is the name given to a surgical treatment that encompasses altering the shape and structure of the nose. It is commonly referred to as a nose job.

Celebrities' ever-increasing media attention has promoted the notion of getting a nose job and altering the anatomy of your nose for aesthetic purposes. Although rhinoplasty can be done for aesthetic reasons, such as reducing or adjusting the contour of one's nose, it is often done for medicinal reasons too.

The nose is an important feature of the face that plays a vital role in physiological processes such as breathing and filtering the inhaled air. Many times cartilage deformation, blockages, or injuries can result in physiological abnormalities. Here, rhinoplasty becomes medically crucial. So, if you’re looking for rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi, consider the expert treatments available at ANAYSHA Aesthetics.

Types of Rhinoplasty

Depending on the kind of reconstruction that your nose needs, there are four types of rhinoplasty treatment in Delhi and the rest of India. They include:

Closed rhinoplasty - In this procedure, the incisions for the reconstruction are done inside the nostrils, shielding away any kind of scarring on the inside. It is done in patients that require minimal changes to their nose that doesn’t require wide access to the nasal structures.

Open rhinoplasty - In this procedure, the incisions inside the nostrils are further joined across the columella present between the nostrils. This helps provide clear and open access to the nasal structure, allowing the surgeon to reconstruct it as per the patient’s instructions.

Reduction rhinoplasty - In this procedure, the surgeon works on reducing the shape and appearance of the nose of the patients. If a patient wants their nose to be thinner and smaller, this is the surgical procedure that they need to undergo.

Revision rhinoplasty - In this procedure, the surgeon fixes any issues that the patient has incurred from the first surgery they underwent. It could include both the aesthetic and functional revisions that the patient’s nose needs after the first surgery.

Right Time for Rhinoplasty

While there is no exact time frame or the right time for undergoing a nose job, surgeons suggest the fall to early spring season as the best time for nose shape surgery. You can also consider the state of your life and when it would be ideal for you to take a break from daily activities.

Since the procedure requires around 1-2 weeks for complete recovery, you want to choose a time of the year when you are free and don’t have work or personal obligations to tend to. You need to plan ahead of time and clear out your schedule for a few weeks after the cosmetic & plastic surgery till everything is healed and starts looking normal again.

It is extremely crucial that you prepare for the consultations before the surgery. There will be thorough medical examinations, physical exams, and photographs to help the surgeon devise a plan for the final surgery.

Tests before Rhinoplasty Surgery

Your doctor may order some tests to confirm that you are healthy and fit for surgery. The following are some of the tests that will be performed before surgery. These are just to give you a generalised idea. The actual number and types of tests can only be prescribed after a thorough examination.

  • A blood test is conducted to rule out anaemia and other blood-related conditions. A blood test is also performed to rule out the possibility of any infections or other undesirable variables that might cause complications during the procedure.
  • Cosmetic surgeons physically inspect your nose, as well as the underlying bone and cartilage structure, before devising a treatment plan.
  • ECGs are also used to assess the health of the heart.
  • A chest X-ray is usually used to rule out any respiratory problems.
  • A pregnancy test is occasionally included in a blood test for women.

Stepwise Procedure

To comprehend the operation, we must first understand the anatomical structure of the nose. The nose is one of the most prominent parts of the face. The nose's shape is determined by the shape of the ethmoid bone, which is located between the eyes. The bottom part of the nose is made up of cartilage tissue, which makes it flexible. The existence of a nasal septum divides this nose into two chambers from inside. Changing the nasal tissue necessitates altering the nasal framework.

 So, how exactly does the rhinoplasty process work?

  • Because rhinoplasty is a potentially invasive surgical procedure, it is always performed under anaesthesia. A skilled anaesthetist would provide either local or general anaesthesia, depending on the type of procedure. The sedative ensures that you are not in any discomfort during the surgery. 
  • The next step is to make the incision: The cuts made to reshape the nose are referred to as incisions. Because every nose is unique owing to its distinctive bone and cartilage structure, rhinoplasty can be performed in a variety of ways. Some types of rhinoplasty procedures are:
    • Closed rhinoplasty
    • Open rhinoplasty
    • Reduction rhinoplasty
    • Revision rhinoplasty
  • The main reason for creating an incision is to gently move the skin covering the nose. It aids in the modification of the nasal bones and cartilage, allowing the ideal form to be achieved.
  • Following the incision, the next step is to carefully alter or modify the nose structure. In general, if the nose is too big or crooked, it can be decreased in size by removing a portion of the bone and cartilage tissue beneath. During the restructuring process, additional cartilaginous grafts are often required.
  • The next step is to rectify a septum that is not in the proper form. This is referred to as a deviated septum. This creates physiological problems, such as difficulties breathing, and necessitates rhinoplasty. If the septum is not straight when the surgery is performed, it is straightened, which greatly improves breathing.
  • The final step, after completing all of the adjustments, is to close the previous incisions. If the size of the nostrils has to be decreased or altered, the surgeon may insert additional sutures within the nostrils to modify their size.
  • The nose is then bandaged with gauze and dressings to allow it to recover. The changes are visible immediately following surgery, although it will take some time for the nose to recover fully.

Rhinoplasty Complications and Risks

Since this is a cosmetic surgical procedure, it poses a few risks and complications that the patient should be aware of. The majority of these risks can be undone within a few days after the surgery and don’t impose any permanent damage.

Some of the risks include:

  • Mild infection at the site of incision
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Numbness around the nose
  • Pain and inflammation
  • Scarring
  • Septal perforation in some cases
  • Disfigured results that require another surgery
Rhinoplasty Procedure Duration

The one unique thing about rhinoplasty is the time duration. It can be done within 30 minutes or it can take 2 hours as well. The procedure depends on the patient’s requirements and the severity of reconstruction that the nose will undergo.

But, generally, the procedure takes somewhere between 1-3 hours to be done completely, including the anesthesia as well. The procedure is done with local or general anesthesia, depending on what the doctor has discussed with the patient.

As for the procedure, the surgeon starts by making an incision inside the nostrils or at the base of your nose between the nostrils to get direct access to your nasal structures. Once the incision is done, the surgeon reconstructs the bone and cartilage underneath the skin to attain the ideal shape as per the requirements stated by the patient.

After surgery, post operatively a nasal splint used to wear for a week or two. Some swelling on the nose and bruising around eyes are normal which fades away with time. The final shape of your nose will be apparent after six months once it has completely healed.

Avoid any strenuous activity for three to six months.you can regain your social activity after three to four weeks without any noticeable signs of surgery.

How to prepare for rhinoplasty surgery

When considering getting major surgery, such as rhinoplasty, you should plan ahead of time.

It is critical to consult with a reputable clinic and a cosmetic surgeon. If you have any important events coming up and want to have the surgery, attempt to schedule it three to four months before the particular occasion to allow your nose enough time to recover.

After you have completed all of the necessary tests, your cosmetic surgeon will design a particular plan for your operation and will give you a sense of how your nose will look post-surgery.

Before the operation, you must take the following usual precautions:

  • Discuss all of your before-after expectations of rhinoplasty and concerns with the cosmetic surgeon in advance.
  • Alcohol should not be consumed since it might have a detrimental impact on the procedure.
  • Maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  • If you have any sensitivities to drugs or chemicals, try to speak with your doctor.
  • Schedule your job and responsibilities around the operation so that it has adequate time to heal and recuperate.
  • If you are taking supplements, you should stop taking them.

Your cosmetic surgeon would most likely advise you to cease taking blood-thinning medications like aspirin before the operation since they might create problems during the procedure.

Do's & Dont's

There are certain dos and don'ts that you must keep in mind before undergoing surgery. These are the things you should never do after getting a rhinoplasty:

  • Don't have any unrealistic expectations for the outcome. Rhinoplasty is a corrective procedure, and the surgeon will do his or her best to reshape the nose to your specifications but don't anticipate magical results or a full alteration in the structure of your nose. It is critical to maintain reasonable expectations.
  • Do not take any medications that may cause your blood to thin. Before taking any medications after surgery, you should consult your doctor.
  • Refrain from smoking, drinking, or using any addictive substances.
  • Do not lose patience. There may be swelling and discomfort immediately following surgery, so you must be patient for the nose to recover correctly.
  • Avoid putting undue physical pressure or force on your nose.
  • Do not engage in vigorous exercise immediately following surgery.

The following is a list of specific things you should do right after surgery.

  • Regularly Consult your doctor and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress.
  • Eat a well-balanced and healthy diet, and strive to be healthy in general to avoid getting sick.
  •  Maintain good hygiene to reduce the risk of infection.
  • Take an ample amount of rest to give enough time for the body to heal.
  • Perform some moderate workouts that have a low impact on the body.
  • Maintain realistic expectations about how your nose will appear following surgery and recovery.
Surgery aftercare

Rhinoplasty needs significant post-operative care to fully heal. Following the operation, you are asked to follow a set of simple guidelines. 

  • You should use extreme caution when it comes to your sleeping posture. It is critical to keep your head up and to avoid sleeping on your stomach or your side. In general, sleeping in the wrong posture might contribute to excessive oedema.
  • Maintain the gauze and bandages properly following surgery. Take short showers to avoid soaking the bandages unduly. Change the bandages as directed by the doctor.
  • Avoid putting unnecessary stress on your nose.
  • If you are allergic to a certain material, such as pollen, attempt to avoid it. Because sneezing can place undue strain on your nose, you should avoid items that can cause sneezing.
  • Take all of your prescribed medications, whether they be pain relievers, antibiotics, or decongestants, to ensure good healing and a quick recovery.
  • Avoid going directly into the sun.
  • You should also avoid visiting beaches or public swimming pools immediately after surgery.
  • Avoid situations that might lead to a bad cold since dealing with a runny nose and sneezing is not ideal after surgery.
Cost of Rhinoplasty

The rhinoplasty surgery cost in Delhi varies and depends on a variety of factors. Because every nose is unique and each operation necessitates a unique method, the cost varies and is very subjective.

  • Extensive reshaping or revision is sometimes necessary during nose surgery, which results in a more thorough procedure and can increase the overall surgical cost.
  • The number of pre-operative tests depends on your medical history and age. These tests result in extra costs in addition to the operation.
  • Rhinoplasty is a treatment that necessitates the surgeon's expertise, which adds up to the cost. But it’s worth it.
  • The infrastructure and kind of clinic you are referring to can have a major influence on the cost.

ANAYSHA Aesthetics's skilled cosmetic surgeons perform numerous rhinoplasty procedures in Delhi with a high success rate and few postoperative problems.

We have a devoted team of result-oriented professionals that are committed to delivering you with the nose of your dreams. We offer the best rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi at an affordable rate with no hidden fees.

 So, speak with a professional right now.


There is no correct age for getting rhinoplasty surgery. It is generally advised that once the nose has reached the maximum adult size, then only one can undergo the surgery, so generally after the age of 18.

There are several reasons why someone may desire to get rhinoplasty or nose surgery.

  1. A malformation in the septum, trouble breathing, an accident that damaged the nose, or nasal fractures are among the medical reasons for having a nose job.
  2. Large or crooked noses, flared nostrils, and any lumps or wrinkles in the nose are all cosmetic reasons for undergoing rhinoplasty surgery.
  3. All of these issues can be addressed with rhinoplasty surgery.

The risks associated with rhinoplasty surgery are minor, although they do exist. Some of the risk factors you should be aware of ahead of time are:

  1. Bacteriological infections
  2. Bleeding from the nose following surgery
  3. Numbness and swelling on the operative side
  4. Cartilage deformation
  5. Scarring

It is critical that you take extra measures following surgery to allow your nose to recover correctly. If you follow all of the doctor's recommendations, you have a better chance of avoiding such problems.

Rhinoplasty, like any surgical operation, is performed under anaesthetia, and after you are sedated, you will not feel any discomfort during the process.

The rhinoplasty surgery cost in Delhi might vary depending on a various criterias, such as the procedures used, the level of correction necessary, as well as the surgeon consulted and the clinic recommended.

Going through rhinoplasty may be a challenging decision, both emotionally and financially, and you must select the proper facility for your operation.

Choose a clinic that understands your specific concerns and does a comprehensive assessment to decrease the risks of danger, employs extensive hygiene measures, and has a competent surgeon who responds to your demands.

You are eligible for the procedure if you are over the age of 18 and your nose has grown to adult size. You should also bear in mind that you do not have any long-term conditions that might interfere with the operation, such as autoimmune illnesses, extremely high blood pressure, diabetes, allergies, or rhinitis.

Rhinoplasty can be completed in a single day. It will take some time for you to heal. It will take five to six months to fully recover.

After hymenoplasty surgery, the body may take a few days to recover properly. The healing period is around 4 to 6 weeks. Mild pain or discomfort may occur, but this will subside with the use of prescribed medicine. The hymen would be intact and regenerated after complete healing, and the procedure would be practically undetectable.

Why ANAYSHA Aesthetics? & Conclusion

Why should you trust ANAYSHA Aesthetics for rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi?

ANAYSHA Aesthetics is a well-known name in the field of cosmetic surgery, with all of the contemporary techniques and infrastructure. We place a great emphasis on recognizing the patient's needs and customising the procedures to their specific concerns. The clinic employs some of the most qualified professionals in the field of cosmetic surgery, with a focus on rhinoplasty surgery in Delhi. With state-of-the-art facilities, you can be confident that you will receive the finest treatment for your problems at ANAYSHA Aesthetics.

Some of the primary reasons for trusting us with surgery:

  • Various package options and cost-effective techniques are available.
  • Surgeons and personnel with extensive experience
  • State-of-the-art equipment and cutting-edge technology
  • Post-operative advanced care
  • A step-by-step overview of the surgery
  • Customizing the operation to your specific needs.

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