Breast Augmentation Surgery in Delhi: What to Expect Before, During, and After

Posted By:DR SHIVANI ATRI On 31 May 2023

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure aimed at increasing the size and enhancing the shape of the breasts. It involves the placement of breast implants or, in some cases, fat transfer to achieve the desired results.

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Breast augmentation can be performed for various reasons, including:

  1. Enhancing breast size: Some individuals may feel self-conscious or dissatisfied with the size of their breasts and desire a fuller appearance.
  2. Restoring breast volume: Pregnancy, weight loss, or aging can cause a loss of breast volume. Breast augmentation can help restore volume and achieve a more youthful contour.
  3. Improving breast symmetry: If there is a significant difference in size or shape between the breasts, augmentation can help create a more balanced and symmetrical appearance.

Before Surgery

  1. Consultation: The patient will have an initial consultation with a plastic surgeon who will evaluate their medical history, discuss their goals and expectations, and examine their breast size, shape, and overall health. They will also explain the options, such as implant type, size, and placement. 
  2. Pre-operative assessment: The surgeon may order certain tests, such as blood work and a mammogram, to ensure the patient is a suitable candidate for surgery. They may also provide specific instructions on pre-operative preparations, which may include avoiding certain medications or dietary restrictions. 
  3. Decision-making: Together with the surgeon, patients should make decisions regarding the type of implants (silicone or saline), incision location (e.g., inframammary, periareolar, transaxillary), and implant placement (over or under the muscle). 

During Surgery

  1. Anesthesia: Breast augmentation surgery is typically performed under general anesthesia, ensuring that the patient remains unconscious and pain-free throughout the procedure. 
  2. Incision and implant placement : The surgeon will make the predetermined incision, usually in inconspicuous areas to minimize visible scarring. The chosen implant will then be placed either directly behind the breast tissue or underneath the chest muscle, depending on the discussed plan. 
  3. Closing the incisions: Once the implants are positioned correctly, the surgeon will close the incisions with sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape. They may also place drainage tubes temporarily to eliminate excess fluid buildup. 

After Surgery 

  1. Recovery and post-operative care: Patients be taken to a recovery area, where they'll be monitored for a short time. They'll receive instructions on caring for their incisions, wearing a supportive bra, managing discomfort, and taking prescribed medications. 
  2. Follow-up appointments: The surgeon will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor their healing progress, remove any drainage tubes, and assess the results. It's essential to attend these appointments to ensure proper healing and address any concerns. 
  3. Healing timeline: Patients should expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort in the first few weeks. Over time, these symptoms should gradually subside. Complete healing may take several months, during which they should avoid strenuous activities and follow their surgeon's recommendations. 
  4. Long-term results: Breast augmentation surgery can have long-lasting effects, but it's important to note that breast implants are not lifetime devices. Patients may need periodic check-ups and potential future surgeries for implant maintenance, replacement, or removal. 

Recovery and Results

Recovery time can vary from person to person, but most individuals can resume normal activities within a few weeks. It's essential to follow the surgeon's post-operative instructions, including wearing a supportive bra, avoiding heavy lifting or strenuous exercises, and attending follow-up appointments.

Breast augmentation can enhance breast size and shape, improve body proportion, boost self-confidence, and provide long-lasting results. However, it's important to have realistic expectations and understand that individual outcomes may vary.

Remember, it's crucial to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate patient-specific situations, discuss all available options, and guide them through the decision-making process to ensure the best possible outcome.

Risks and Complications

Like any surgical procedure, breast augmentation carries certain risks, including infection, bleeding, adverse reactions to anesthesia, changes in nipple or breast sensation, scarring, implant rupture or leakage, capsular contracture (scar tissue formation around the implant), and the need for revision surgery.

Breast Augmentation Surgery in Delhi

Anaysha Aesthetics, a renowned cosmetic surgery clinic in Delhi, is dedicated to empowering individuals through personalized and patient-centric treatments, promoting healthy body transformations. By prioritizing patient confidence and enhancing their overall appearance, Anaysha Aesthetics offers a comprehensive consultation process.

At Anaysha Aesthetics, the focus is on delivering exceptional care by connecting each patient with highly experienced plastic surgeons. These skilled professionals offer personalized advice and support throughout the entire treatment journey. Patients can expect detailed information and have their specific questions addressed regarding breast augmentation surgery in Delhi.

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